In the quest for transforming the scenic Daman Seafront into a vibrant and protected public space, Heritage Infraspace Pvt Ltd (HIPL) partnered with Natvar Construction Co. to undertake the challenging task of constructing a diaphragm wall. This blog unveils the exceptional efforts undertaken by HIPL in the Daman Seafront Development Project, showcasing their expertise in waterfront development and underwater construction and the learnings of overcoming geological obstacles, tidal conditions and intricate engineering to create a foundation that would support the revitalisation of Daman’s coastal landscape.

The Client – Natvar Construction

  • Natvar Construction Company, a reputable firm with a proven track record in delivering major infrastructure projects nationwide, was awarded the contract for the prestigious beachfront road development at Moti Daman and Nani Daman seafront.
  • Recognising the critical importance of constructing a sturdy foundation for the elevated roadway and recreational areas, Natvar Construction Co. strategically collaborated with Heritage Infraspace Pvt Ltd (HIPL).
  • With HIPL’s expertise in diaphragm wall construction and its impressive portfolio encompassing successful metro construction projects, the partnership aimed to ensure the seamless integration of a robust diaphragm wall beneath the ground.
  • This collaborative effort between Natvar Construction Co. and HIPL epitomises their commitment to excellence in waterfront development, solidifying their reputation as industry leaders in tackling complex construction challenges.

The Project – Daman Seafront Development

  • The Daman Seafront Development Project was a comprehensive undertaking aimed at fulfilling various objectives, catering to the town’s requirements and enriching the public realm for both residents and tourists.
  • By constructing the beachfront road, the project sought to combat pollution, enhance the street design, optimise parking facilities and revitalise existing public spaces, fostering a vibrant waterfront development.
  • A significant challenge involved safeguarding vulnerable areas from the persistent threats of flooding and erosion.
  • HIPL played a pivotal role in the project, employing their expertise in diaphragm wall construction to create an impressive reinforced cement concrete (RCC) diaphragm wall measuring 1185.68 metres in length, 18 metres in depth and 800mm in width during 2018-19.
  • This project showcased HIPL’s proficiency in top down construction techniques and underwater construction, exemplifying its commitment to executing complex projects with excellence without requiring standard sheet piling.
Workers working on a diaphragm wall construction for a waterfront development project

Diaphragm wall construction for waterfront development in progress

The Challenges in Waterfront Development

  • The geological composition of the Daman Seafront posed distinctive challenges for the project, including the presence of marshy soil, rocky strata and a high water table, which required careful navigation during the construction phase of the waterfront development.
  • The team of 60 dedicated members encountered the complexities of working with fluctuating tidal conditions, further adding to the intricacies of the diaphragm wall construction project.
  • Successfully overcoming these hurdles necessitated innovative solutions, meticulous planning and a resilient approach to ensure the project’s seamless progress.
  • The ability to adapt to the unique geological and environmental conditions and the team’s expertise in waterfront development without underwater construction played a vital role in overcoming the challenges faced during the Daman Seafront Development Project.

The Solutions provided for the Waterfront Development

  • HIPL’s team devised ingenious solutions to tackle the challenges encountered during the Daman Seafront Development Project.
  • A specially formulated polymer fluid was employed, with regular viscosity and density checks to ensure optimal performance in the density range of 45 to 90 seconds.
  • Working in harmony with the tidal conditions, the team meticulously executed their plans. This is despite not having anchors in construction for this project.
  • Chiselling techniques were employed to overcome the presence of rock formations, ensuring smooth progress in the construction process.
two workers standing next to an in-progress diaphragm wall construction project

Waterfront Development for Daman Seafront Project in action

The Machinery used for Waterfront Development

  • To accomplish this remarkable feat, HIPL utilised state-of-the-art machinery and equipment.
  • The Casagrande B250 Diaphragm Wall Grab Rig, a versatile machine, played a vital role in drilling boreholes, inserting and extracting casings and powering the casing oscillator.
  • The Casagrande B200 Diaphragm Wall Grab Rig, equipped with a high-speed winch and a powerful H22 rotary head, ensured efficient progress and maximum torque output.
  • Complemented by a chiselling unit and standard excavators, these machines exemplified HIPL’s commitment to cutting-edge technology.

The Result

The successful completion of the Daman Seafront Development Project showcases the exceptional expertise of HIPL in diaphragm wall construction, surpassing the challenges posed by the natural conditions of the coastal environment.

The project stands as a shining example of how coastal towns can be rejuvenated, integrating measures to protect against tidal conditions, preserve cultural heritage and create captivating public spaces for residents and visitors alike.

The revitalised Daman Seafront exemplifies the harmonious fusion of aesthetics, functionality and environmental resilience, providing a picturesque and sustainable coastal area for the community to enjoy.

The remarkable achievements of the project have further propelled HIPL’s reputation, leading to the opportunity to extend the seafront development and undertake the construction of another diaphragm wall.

These extraordinary accomplishments highlight the efficacy of diaphragm wall construction in waterfront development, eliminating the need for conventional piling construction and reaffirming HIPL’s position as a leader in the industry.

The Daman Seafront Development Project is a testament to the remarkable expertise, engineering innovation and unwavering dedication that Heritage Infraspace Pvt Ltd brought to this ambitious undertaking. For more information about HIPL’s exceptional work and their commitment to excellence in waterfront development and underwater construction, visit

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