Diaphragm wall in Dams

Diaphragm Wall in Dam

Dams in India have been ensuring supply of water to every citizen, no matter which part of the country they are in. Dams help funnel water from water bodies like rivers, streams and estuaries for consumption by humans, to irrigate fields and for large scale industrial processes.

Heritage Infraspace provides various geotechnical solutions for construction of a variety of dam projects across the country, through extensive research, backed with state-of-the-art machinery, and experienced engineers to ensure they last the longest time, through rough weathers.

Challenges we solve During Diaphragm Wall construction in dam

  • Prevention of water seepage into dam walls.
  • Strong core foundation to sustain pressure from the earth.
  • Construction which ensures longevity and efficiency.

Services we provide for Diaphragm Wall construction in Dam


A sneak-peak into how the project was executed by our professional and efficient teams.